Friday, June 05, 2009

Moral Foundations Theory

Jonathan Haidt (2008) at

Moral Foundations Theory was created to understand why morality varies so much across cultures yet still shows so many similarities and recurrent themes.

In brief, the theory proposes that five innate and universally available psychological systems are the foundations of "intuitive ethics." Each culture then constructs virtues, narratives, and institutions on top of these foundations, thereby creating the unique moralities we see around the world, and conflicting within nations too. The foundations are:


Harm/ care

related to our long evolution as mammals with attachment systems and an ability to feel (and dislike) the pain of others

This foundation underlies virtues of kindness, gentleness, and nurturance


Fairness/ reciprocity

related to the evolutionary process of reciprocal altruism

This foundation generates ideas of justice, rights, and autonomy


Ingroup/ loyalty

related to our long history as tribal creatures able to form shifting coalitions. This foundation underlies virtues of patriotism and self-sacrifice for the group

It is active anytime people feel that it's "one for all, and all for one."


Authority/ respect

shaped by our long primate history of hierarchical social interactions

This foundation underlies virtues of leadership and followership, including deference to legitimate authority and respect for traditions


Purity/ sanctity

shaped by the psychology of disgust and contamination

This foundation underlies religious notions of striving to live in an elevated, less carnal, more noble way. It underlies the widespread idea that the body is a temple which can be desecrated by immoral activities and contaminants (an idea not unique to religious traditions)

Much of our present research involves applying the theory to political "cultures" such as those of liberals and conservatives. The current American culture war, we have found, can be seen as arising from the fact that

(a) liberals try to create a morality relying almost exclusively on the Harm/Care and Fairness/Reciprocity foundations;

(b) conservatives, especially religious conservatives, use all five foundations, including Ingroup/Loyalty, Authority/Respect, and Purity/Sanctity.

You can find out your own moral foundations profile at .

Monday, June 01, 2009

third enlightenment

"We have not one Enlightenment project but three: a Western one based on rational thought, an Eastern one based on seeing through the illusion of the Self, and a Postmodern one based on the concept of socially constructed reality. And despite their many differences, they share the common goal of liberation