Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Non judgemental noticing - describing reality

  • I will endure random thoughts till a new theme emerges.

  • 'Endure'? Why is having a theme better than having random thoughts? I can see it as different - but better? Which value system is being used?

  • It is not a matter of good nor bad - go with the flow. Except - some flows are more conducive to peace of mind than others?

  • And peace of mind is a good thing?

  • It is 'preferable' to its alternative but this does not of necessity mean that it is 'good'. Description is one thing and evaluation is an added but non essential extra.

  • Why is peace of mind preferable?

  • I don't know for sure but it has to do with states in the brain and the stimulation of 'pleasure' rather than 'anxiety' centres.

  • So pleasure is preferable to anxiety because of what it does to the brain. Not an altogether startling statement.

  • Nope but 'startling statements' are the stuff of tabloid newspapers and political speeches rather than of quiet self knowing.

  • So you would prefer statements which are 'less than startling'?

  • I am not really concerned with 'statements' at all. What matters is intuitive experience. Visceral feeling rather than cerebral knowing. What matters is not what other people say (ie statements) but rather what can be personally experienced. Blind faith is not involved.

  • So you seek the 'intuitive experience of visceral feeling' that leads to the 'pleasure' of 'peace of mind'

  • Sort of - but you did not put inverted commas round 'you' and 'seek'. Words used in statements carry pre-conditioned baggage.

  • Well yes - but how else is communication possible?

  • There is non-verbal communication. Don't tell me, show me. Don't 'explain' the concept but rather be a living example of it. It is said that, "Those who speak do not know and those who know do not speak".

  • Ah yes, and also that, "The reality which can be described is not the real reality". So should we end this conversation?

  • Mmm.

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